Traci took the boys to a local “Jakes Day.” The Jakes organization sponsors safety courses for guns and archery. They went last year and enjoyed it, so they headed back out again today. #2 won a gift certificate to a local shop. #1 won a knife . . . or so I thought. Our conversation was as follows:

Me: Where’s your knife?
#1: In my piggy bank.
Me: In your piggy bank?
#1: Yes, in my piggy bank.
Me: (looking in the piggy bank) There’s no knife in this piggy bank.
#1: Knife? What knife?
Me: What did you think I said?
#1: I thought you said money.
Me: Money. Knife. Yes, they sound a lot alike. Where’s the knife you won?
#1: I didn’t win a knife.
Me: You didn’t win a knife?
#1: No, I won a duck.
Me: You won a duck?
#1: Yes. I won a duck. . . . I traded it for a knife.
Me: So, where’s the knife?
#1: In my sock drawer.
Me: That’s a nice knife.
Sometimes communication is difficult.